Sunday, March 13, 2011

Products of Our Production

Happy Weekend Everyone

Last week I was upset that nothing was becoming reality for the nursery (stupid nesting bug), but this weekend we hit warp speed and got a whole bunch done. **Warning: this blog entry is on picture over load**

We started out our Saturday at the DMV, I had to get a new drivers license with the correct address (yeah, I know, we moved in 7 months ago) I also had to get new plates for my vehicle. While I waited in line with everyone in the Indianapolis area that does not practice proper hygiene habits, Matt went to my favorite place in the world, Lowes (correction: my favorite place in the world would be a buffet, but Lowes is close) While I was getting a very unflattering license picture taken Matt was picking out a hand-held sander to sand down the antique dresser we got on Craigslist for a steel. Turns out that it was going to need more than a furniture restoring polish, the kids who had it before did not appreciate antiques and used green markers to draw smiley faces on the top

While Matt was sanding and I was supervising the situation, we got a delivery. It was a large rectangular box that looked like it weighed a lot. We had no idea what this could be, but signed for it anyways. Always a smart thing to do. We took it inside and tore it open.

And what to our wondering eyes did a appear???

That there is our crib that was supposed to be on back order until the first week of May. Amazon is going to be getting a glowing feedback response from these two satisfied customers. The crib was the foundation that the whole room was designed around so I was very happy that is came in, I think I even jumped up and down a few times. I copy-catted the crib idea from my sister in law, it looked so good in our nephew's room, I just had to have it.

Matt said the crib looked like a 2 beer kind of job only because it didn't come with instructions.....Which I replied to him with "then what is this thing hanging over here?"

Those would be the instructions in case anyone else does not recognize them.  Frazier was a big help of course and we were able to finish the crib with only 1 and a half beers (Matt drinks fast by the way).

Not the kind of bottle the baby will be hitting anytime soon
Sunday was a nice follow up to our productive Saturday, we were able to go back to Lowes and pick out a stain for the dresser. We chose Dark Walnut because it matched the rocking chair nicely. It needs one more day to dry and then we are going to apply a clear coat to seal in all the Walnutty goodness.

This next, and I promise last, picture sums up how I am feeling at 27 weeks nicely. A little overwhelmed, a little nervous, having cravings and just wanting to enjoy a nice beer after a long day's work.

Those are indeed real tears in my eyes, I blame those pesky hormones for making me so emotional over a beer. But it is my favorite beer.


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