Monday, January 3, 2011


We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and Happy New Year. I had to work New Year's Eve, but was able to watch the ball drop and call Matt at midnight. I thought I would be able to pull out the sonogram machine to have a New Year sneak peek at the little monster, but no such luck, I was too busy. I love to see the baby on the sonogram machine and I can almost make out the little face. Its one of the perks to being a nurse and it doesn't cost 300 bucks each time I do it.

The holidays were busy around here. We were traveling a lot trying to visit our families since I wont be able to make the full rounds next year. I have to work Christmas next year, sadly, which is a huge downside to being a nurse. It was nice to see everyone and we had a lot of great food. Fortunately, my sweet tooth is still on hiatus and I LOVE veggies right now, so this holiday season wasn't too detrimental on my healthy pregnancy diet. The doctor says I am "gaining weight nicely" and a nurse at work says that I am "looking very portly". Which ever way it is, I am just glad I don't get sick every day anymore. Another nurse said I "no longer look like a chemo patient or like I am dying" I love how honest my co-workers are!!!

We scheduled our big ultrasound for Feb 2 at 2pm, I am so excited to get a real good look at the baby and check out its heart, kidneys, spine etc... I see way too many things in the PICU that can go wrong in prenatal development and I am a stress case about it. Hopefully everything is perfect in there and the little monster is healthy.

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