Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Big,The New and The Adorable

Hi All

24 weeks and still hangin' tough. From here on out I am only going to be getting fatter, peeing more and swelling to unusual sizes, which is fine by me. The baby is fully developed and all it needs to do is grow and get those lungs nice and strong (the better for you to hear me cry with, my dear). Now that all the eventfulness of pregnancy is dying down--until labor kicks in--Matt and I can focus on the really fun stuff. Like decorating the nursery, buying totally awesome things for no apparent reason and brushing up on nursery rhymes.

The Big- Here I am basking in my sweet tooth--that's right, that is a giant Hershey kiss in my mouth and yes, it does have 1,000 calories in it. No, I didn't eat it all. And no, the dogs didn't help me either, but they sure wanted to even though I explained chocolate kills dogs.

The New- We bought our very first item for the nursery yesterday. It is a faux-wicker rocking chair that hugs your butt in all the right places. We are going to get a big ol' fluffy feather pillow to promote good back support and we are still hunting for an appropriate ottoman. I am more than certain by now you have all noticed the fact that Frazier is in the majority of pictures taken. That is because he has a contract that specifically states he appears in a minimum of 90% of photos shot--he is such a ham-bone and loves the camera.

Krum on the other hand is very difficult to get a photo of, he is more elusive. This is what happens when you actually catch him on film--ridiculousness

Never Wake a Sleeping Poodle

Krum's official Don't Do Drugs poster

The Adorable- I saw this moo-cow coffee creamer and, well, just had to have it. She has become a permanent fixture on the counter, I think she really ties the room together. Or at least the coffee nook.

I hope everyone else is enjoying themselves as much as we do here!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ahhh, Breathing Easy

This IS our Baby
Yesterday was the big day, we finally got to see our baby's sweet little face. The Tech went though the head/brain (proper size and ventricles), the spine (all intact and straight), the abdomen (stomach and guts on the inside), the bladder and kidneys (both proper size and placement), and finally, the biggy, the heart (thank God, 4 chambers with no concerns for kinks or vessels going to the wrong areas). There was instant relief to know that the baby is as healthy as the ultrasound can see. A giant weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can finally focus on becoming a mom (AHHHH, A MOM!) Matt was instantly transformed into a dad watching this tiny person with a face and hands move on the monitor. Without getting too mushy gushy on everyone, it was amazing to watch his face as he watched our baby. By the way, I don't think I have much hope for this kid to look like me, even it's grainy black and white profile looks like Matt.

Hope everyone is well,

P.S While I am concerned about heart chambers, everyone else is probably dying to know the baby's gender. Sorry Charlie, its going to remain a secret and a surprise!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everyone gives the one they love a big ol' squeeze today. Matt and I don't really celebrate the holiday, but we do take a moment to appreciate each other and the love we have. I baked a homemade Banana Cake with Peanut Butter Icing. It's called an Elvis cake and based on the tester spoons it is delicious. By the way, my sweet tooth has returned--thank goodness! I thought I was going nuts not wanting chocolate.

Here I am with our 23 week old little Valentine. Only two more days until we get to see the little face!

Happy Valentine's Day,

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Post that is Quick Like a Bunny

**THIS IS NOT OUR BABY** Its a stock photo to illistrate my point

Without further adieu--unless some unforeseen illness or weather catastrophe ensues-- our 18 week (that is now going to be 24 week) ultrasound is Wednesday February 16th at 3pm. Many People have been asking if we are going to find out the baby's gender. This is still up for debate, Matt and I need to prepare our final statements and come to an agreement. I say Nay, Matt says Yah. At 24 weeks the Little Monster will probably make the decision for us though. Say a quick prayer that there are 4 properly sized heart chambers with all the blood vessels going to the proper areas and no (unnecessary) holes in the heart, 2 well formed and functioning kidneys, a fully intact brain and spinal cord, all the guts are on the inside and a well developed diaphragm. There are a million other things that can be wrong, but these here are the bigguns. I'm as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Still Growing, Swelling and Snowing

Hi All

Matt and I have been held hostage in our own home by ice and snow for the last week, we haven't ventured out much except to go to work. However, the week was not left uneventful. Matt had me watch all three Lord of the Rings--9 hours of my life I wont get back-- Frazier and Krum learned to walk on crazy slippery ice, I got a visit from a Snowman and I found out today that my Little Sister was proposed to (now I feel old).

Last week we somehow forgot to take a belly picture. This week is an up close shot, I think I have officially fallen into the category of women who should not wear horizontal stripes--vertical from now on!

My feet have started to swell, I can't wait to see what the next 17 weeks have to offer. After working for 12-13 hours these Hot Piggies are what I came home to. Ouch.

Krum is getting better at walking on the ice, but Matt and Frazier have it mastered! **Side note--we do not kick our dogs, I was nudging him back out because he wouldn't go potty**

The doorbell rang and this is what I found on the front porch. Who would ding dong ditch a pregnant lady and leave a snowman behind?

 Matt and Frazier, that's who!!!

Stay Warm,

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Groundhogs, Ultrasounds and Ice

The ultimate weather predictor, Puxatony Phil, didn't see his shadow this morning which means an early Spring! That's hard to believe since we have an inch of ice covering everything outside and much of Indiana is in a state of emergency. Due to inclement weather our ultrasound was cancelled today. Phil didn't see his shadow and we didn't see our baby. We don't have another date set up yet.

Our backyard is 100% ice, it is as solid as concrete. The dogs slip and slide all over the backyard when they go out, they look like Bambi when he falls on the ice. Matt has had two days off from work and set up his office in the basement. His office consists of the History Channel on the TV, his PJ's, a comfortable blanket, his laptop and cup after cup of coffee. Surprisingly, he is able to get a lot done down there as long as I don't distract him.

Hope everyone stays safe and warm!