Sunday, April 17, 2011

Holy Stretch Marks, Batman!


This week marks 32 long, hard and sometimes lovely weeks of pregnancy. Our child has decided to gift to me 32 stretch marks (give or take) and an additional 5lbs this week. Thanks Little Monster, I will cherish them forever I am sure. I will spare everyone the up close belly shot of all that purple zebra stripped loveliness, trust me when I say it is H-O-T-T, Hot.

I figured it was time to squat down ever so gently and organize the baby's room as best as I can. I still need to buy a storage/organizational closet system so that I can clump like sized clothing items together and I need to figure out how to put everything in its rightful place so I remember to use it all. I tend to be a creature of habit and will use the same thing over and over. This baby has so many cool (yes, I said cool, is that not cool anymore?) things and I want to make sure they all get a chance to be seen/touched/used.

This is an extremely small portion of the baby gear we have received, there is a whole 'nother truck load in the closet awaiting sorting detail. The best thing about all the items is that everything is 100% usable and functional and we don't have a million and one of anything. There seems to be just the right amount of every item in every size. I just want to say thank you to all the friends and family who have gifted all these wonderful (gender neutral) baby items, it means so much to Matt and I to have such a huge support system.


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