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**THIS IS NOT OUR BABY** Its a stock photo to illistrate my point |
Without further adieu--unless some unforeseen illness or weather catastrophe ensues-- our 18 week (that is now going to be 24 week) ultrasound is Wednesday February 16th at 3pm. Many People have been asking if we are going to find out the baby's gender. This is still up for debate, Matt and I need to prepare our final statements and come to an agreement. I say Nay, Matt says Yah. At 24 weeks the Little Monster will probably make the decision for us though. Say a quick prayer that there are 4 properly sized heart chambers with all the blood vessels going to the proper areas and no (unnecessary) holes in the heart, 2 well formed and functioning kidneys, a fully intact brain and spinal cord, all the guts are on the inside and a well developed diaphragm. There are a million other things that can be wrong, but these here are the bigguns. I'm as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!
Quit worrying silly! He/she will be perfect : )