Friday, June 3, 2011

Time Line

You can tell that I am spending a lot of time sitting these last few days because this is the third post this week. Damn swelling and blood pressure. Today I have compiled all the weekly pictures into a timeline for your viewing pleasure. It is amazing to look back and see how small I was at one point in time and to think that my body stretched out this much. Craaazy. It does go back to its almost original shape, doesn't it?

Fasten your seat belts for your trip back into time. Its going to be a bumpy ride--get it? bumpy? Like baby bump? Ah, forget it.

10 weeks
At 10 weeks I thought I was starting to show so I took a picture. I find this absolutely hilarious now.

13 weeks
I was very very very sick at 13 weeks and thought I was huge.

16 weeks
 16 weeks is when I officially started to show, but looking back at it I just look bloated.

19 weeks
19 weeks I stopped throwing up a million times a day and was eager to start wearing maternity clothes.

20 weeks
 The difference between 19 and 20 weeks is huge and other people could finally see I was pregnant and not just eating every 2 hours and getting pudgy.

22 weeks
This is where I started to not be so cute. What was I thinking in this sweater? Yikes

23 weeks
Again, yikes. However, the pants I am wearing are size 4 pre-pregnancy jeans.

26 weeks
This is where I start to EXPLODE and get yelled at by my Dr. for gaining too much weight. 30 pounds added at this point.

29 weeks
Late second trimester and early third trimester were emotionally hard on me. I was a wreck.

31 weeks
This is the week moving became difficult and sleeping a full night was nonexistent.

33 weeks

35 weeks
Ahhh, 35 weeks, this is where I really started to pack on the pounds. Not because of the ice cream, that was a one time frozen treat and I had allotted for it in my daily calorie count. 

37 weeks
 The Little Monster dropped at 37 weeks and I could breathe again, unfortunately walking became very difficult and I developed the Pregnant Lady Waddle.

38 weeks
Our first trip to the hospital and my last week of work. It feels so good to rest. This was also the last week I counted calories, I figured I deserve to eat whatever I want for 2 weeks since I was so well behaved this whole time and still gained 55 pounds.

Finally 39 weeks
I can't wait to move, bend, roll over in bed, help around the house and meet our tiny person.

Have a good weekend! This is the last post on The Reason I Can't Drink Coffee, because come Monday I will be able to drink the sweet nectar of life once more. Next time you all hear from me I will be a mom with a whole new set of problems, worries and things to blog about....I just haven't decided on the new blog name yet.

Thanks for following us through this turning point in our lives and being a great support system for us.


1 comment:

  1. I loved your blog and will miss reading about everything. Good luck and I can't wait to meet the little monster! Only a couple more days!! :)
