Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What a Difference a Week Can Make

I woke up today looking like this. I even had that look on my face! The Little Monster grew 100x it's size in 12 hours. There is no doubt that I am indeed pregnant, I no longer look like a chubby girl shoving crackers in her face every 2 hours. Last week I was very excited to feel fetal movements and little nudges every now and then. This week I am greeted with limbs in my spine while I am sleeping that send the most horrific pain shooting through my body jolting me awake. But I do love to feel it move around in there :) 

Matt thinks that the baby is going to be a body builder or extreme nutrition expert. I only want to eat fruit, veggies, whole grain and lean protein. Every time I get a wild hair and try to eat something heavily processed, fatty or all around bad for me I get violently ill. No complaints here, I like to eat healthy, but every now and then Mama needs a burger!!

One more week until out BIG ultrasound, I can't wait to hopefully set all my fears aside and know for a fact that we have a healthy baby. I try not to think about all the things that can go wrong in development, but that's all I see at work so it makes it very hard. It really is a wonder and a miracle that babies form properly most of the time.


Monday, January 17, 2011

2nd Trimester is Awesome

The most exciting thing has happened within the last week! Matt can now feel the Little Monster moving when his hand is on my belly. I have been feeling the little guy/girl crawl around for some time now, but Matt hasn't been able to. It is becoming so much more real, at first it just seemed like I was dying a slow and cruel death, but now I am well into my second trimester and I am feeling fantastic. I do have a new friend named Heart Burn though, I'm not sure how well we are going to get along.  I still get sick now and then, but it is totally manageable. Plus, I have all this energy. I talk a mile a minute, I want to cook again, I like food again, I'm working out and my mind is spinning around and around with ideas.

Matt makes the best fires, so naturally, it had to be the 19wk background

The dogs are also happy that I am feeling better. Frazier is back to getting table scraps because I am cooking again and Krum is able to lay next to me again because I can stand to smell him again (poor guy, he never really stinks, but I hated the way he smelled.)

Did I blink?

Frazier trying to get the Redi Whip off his nose

Hope everyone is having a good week.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We have a Hoagie for a Baby

Matt and I like to read about what is going on with the baby week by week, since tomorrow will be the start of week 19, I was doing a little research today. Turns out that our baby is the size of a Subway Sandwich (that's from head to booty--it doesn't include legs!) That startled me. Two weeks ago it was a small potato and this week its a Hoagie!!! I have to be honest, this is all happening so fast and I don't know how my body is going to accommodate this ever expanding smorgasbord.

That sandwich sure does look good though...


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baby Williams First Playoff Game

We went to the Colts v. Jets Playoff game last night (thanks Papa Pat for the tickets). We went with our two friends Josh and Shilpa--who are also 18 weeks pregnant-- we had a great time even though the Colts lost.

All the walking, the noise and yelling really got a response from the baby, they were in there doing flips and somersaults the whole time. I have been feeling flutters for awhile now, but over the last few days I have been able to feel big heavy movements. The other morning I felt the Little Monster crawl over to my right side, my stomach got really hard where they were laying and really squishy on the side they just left. All the throwing up and feeling miserable suddenly became worth it. I managed to sneak another peek with the sonogram machine the other day at work, I got a perfect profile picture and saw them suck their little thumb. Its amazing how something so simple can bring tears to your eyes. However, even commercials about razor blades can bring tears to my eyes theses days! Regardless, it was the sweetest thing I have ever seen.

Til Next Time,

Monday, January 3, 2011


We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and Happy New Year. I had to work New Year's Eve, but was able to watch the ball drop and call Matt at midnight. I thought I would be able to pull out the sonogram machine to have a New Year sneak peek at the little monster, but no such luck, I was too busy. I love to see the baby on the sonogram machine and I can almost make out the little face. Its one of the perks to being a nurse and it doesn't cost 300 bucks each time I do it.

The holidays were busy around here. We were traveling a lot trying to visit our families since I wont be able to make the full rounds next year. I have to work Christmas next year, sadly, which is a huge downside to being a nurse. It was nice to see everyone and we had a lot of great food. Fortunately, my sweet tooth is still on hiatus and I LOVE veggies right now, so this holiday season wasn't too detrimental on my healthy pregnancy diet. The doctor says I am "gaining weight nicely" and a nurse at work says that I am "looking very portly". Which ever way it is, I am just glad I don't get sick every day anymore. Another nurse said I "no longer look like a chemo patient or like I am dying" I love how honest my co-workers are!!!

We scheduled our big ultrasound for Feb 2 at 2pm, I am so excited to get a real good look at the baby and check out its heart, kidneys, spine etc... I see way too many things in the PICU that can go wrong in prenatal development and I am a stress case about it. Hopefully everything is perfect in there and the little monster is healthy.