Friday, November 19, 2010

An Invention to be Thankful For

There are many things I am thankful for in my life. My husband, our Little Monster, our family and friends, our jobs and our health. I am also eternally grateful to the inventors of Sea-Bands! They are small sweatbands that I wear on my wrists and they apply continuous pressure to the points on my wrists that cure nausea. These $10.99 miracle bands are available at the local drug store and provide relief to my morning sickness that no amount of medicine or prayer has been able to cure. Just to test them out and make sure it wasn't all in my head, I took them off at work last night, within 5 minutes I was huddled over the sink in my patients room cussing myself out for taking them off. Good thing the baby was 4 months old and didn't care that I was using his sink to get rid of my stomach contents. So this Thanksgiving Season I would like to extend a very warm thank you to the creators of Sea-Bands and to their families.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

First Doctor's Appointment

       Me at the OBGYN looking ill and scared to death

Matt and I had our first doctor's appointment on 11/10/10. They asked a million and one questions, took my vital signs and did an exam. Matt was jealous of my 100/58 blood pressure and thought he could beat it so he asked the LPN to take his. He should have known you can't beat perfection...his came back as 132/54. I think he was extremely nervous sitting in an OBGYN office with very graphic pictures hanging on the wall, his blood pressure was pretty high! I was the one getting poked and prodded, he should have been fine! They had to stick me twice to draw my blood, I almost had a heart attack. I probably shouldn't have told the poor girl "you better get this on the first try!!". We also got an ultrasound to make sure the baby was growing like they should since I was measuring small during my exam. The little monster was moving around like it was break dancing and had a heart rate of 173. Based on the ultrasound I am about 10 weeks, we could see its head and little arms with elbows! I was amazed to see that there was something inside of me moving and that has a beating heart. I go back for another ultrasound at 12 weeks and for genetic testing, they are looking for Downs syndrome and any other abnormalities.

Let me just say, I have been pretty sick, when I am not throwing up, I am feeling like I am going to throw up. I call the baby Little Monster as a term of endearment because they are sucking the life out of me and testing my will. I am sure they will be called Sweetie, Sugar or something else equally as nice in the next trimester, but for now, Little Monster seems suiting. Someone in a big pharmaceutical company knew my pain and compressed magic into a little tablet called Zofran!! Zofran makes it so I can watch TV without the fear of throwing up at the sight of a commercial featuring food. Thank you makers of Zofran!

Till Next Time,
Zofran Lover

Monday, November 8, 2010

My New Super Power


I always wanted to be able to fly or become invisible on command. But no, my super power is Smell. I can smell Matt drinking V8 in the kitchen when I am upstairs in our bedroom (then I gag). Unfortunately, with this new amazing Super Power of sent, I hate many things I once loved. I can't stand the way our brand new, beautiful, wonderful home smells!! At first I thought it was the Pumpkin scented Plug-In, then I thought it was the cleaning solution we use, then I thought it was one of the dogs. Nope, it is the whole New House smell that I can't stand. I also hate the smell of all food, my bodywash and COFFEE (I didn't even know that was possible!!). Amazingly, I am able to smell every item in the fridge--when I am in the living room! The solution to this not so useful Super Power I have acquired is to breathe through my mouth at all times.

This weekend Matt thought I had super human strength and wanted me to lift, carry and maneuver a very large, very heavy sofa down into the basement. Some tears, a few dry heaves and a very short lived nap later...Matt decided to call his stronger, less pregnant brother over to help. 2 hours, 12 beers, 4 holes in the wall, removal of the basement door and window, 3 rips in the new sofa and a covering of pea gravel in the basement later the sofa remained on the main level and was returned the next day for in store credit. That thing was not fitting down into the basement.

Till Next Time,
Super Nose